• Critical Illness Cover

    Critical illness cover provides peace of mind and financial security in the event you or a loved one become seriously unwell.


If you or your partner suffered a massive heart attack, would you be able to cover the sudden drop in income?

Critical illness cover provides peace of mind and financial security in the event you or a loved one become seriously unwell.

It is never pleasant to think that you could experience a severe medical episode like a stroke, but is leaving yourself without the right financial protection in place worth the risk? A serious illness may render you unable to work for a long time, and if you don’t have savings or some sort of contingency in place, this could lead to being unable to make mortgage payments and more.

You should consider taking out critical illness cover if you:
  • You don’t have sufficient savings to cover your living expenses
  • Your employer does not provide a sickness benefits package

What does Critical Illness Cover insure?

Critical illness cover will generally insurance against a serious disease, illness or disability. From policy to policy the definition of this will vary, but as a general rule common conditions included are cancer, heart attacks and strokes.

Some policies may also have requirements attached to the condition you can claim for: for instance, strokes with symptoms that last under 24 hours are not covered, or cancers with a high cure rate.

Generally speaking, insurers will not cover for a serious illness caused by a pre-existing condition, and your premiums may increase depending on your personal medical history or your family’s – however,  some insurers may agree to cover you for any occurring serious illness that isn’t related to your existing conditions.

As experienced critical illness insurance brokers, we can help you to obtain the most competitive quote on the market and take the stress out of dealing with individual providers or comparison tools – of which may not identify the correct or sufficient cover for your individual circumstances. 

Ready to get critical illness cover? Just fill in our super simple enquiry form and we’ll get back to you. 


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